WPPS Newsletter 22 October


Principal's Report 22nd October 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been so wonderful to have our students back on site who bring with them such joy and energy. It has been an amazing week full of laughter, gatherings and social play.

The school is eagerly awaiting the return of our Year 3 & 4 students next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is still a staggered return with all students being onsite for Friday 5th of November. 

Please be aware that at our School Council meeting earlier this week the School Council passed unanimously to postpone the Curriculum Day on Monday 1st November until the last Friday of the year.  

So, on Monday 1st November Foundation students will be required onsite while the rest of the year levels will be remote learning. On Tuesday 2nd November, the whole school will be closed due to Melbourne Cup Day. 

Mr Steve Donohue our Assistant Principal has put together all of the information regarding our school operations on our school website here. Please ensure that you visit our website regularly, as the school does send out brief messages via our Konnective app, but more detailed information is on our school website. Mr Donohue is highly skilled and efficient in distributing up to date information to the school community. I know many schools use our school’s information as a template to update their own communication. ‘Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.’  

A note of appreciation to all of our Year 5 & 6 parents who have followed the Chief Health Officer’s advice ensuring all of our students (except one) were wearing masks today. Masks can be uncomfortable, but we do have to learn to live with them at this point in time. Students are not required to wear masks outside.  

A reminder that all students must bring their Sunsmart hat to school each day in Term 4. 

A new sunshade sail will be installed over the top playground equipment this term to replace the one severely damaged in storms earlier this year. A grant has been submitted this week to install a shade sail over the steps at the end of the Year 3 & 4 building which will make the area functional and weatherproof throughout the year. We will keep you updated on any notifications.  

It was such a glorious morning seeing the Year 5 and 6 teachers interacting face to face with their students outside in the sunshine. Victorians, especially Melbournians have shown such strength and intestinal fortitude (that’s one of my grandfather’s sayings) during this pandemic. I just couldn’t be prouder of our staff, students and school community. We’re not quite through the tunnel yet but there is certainly light. So, looking forward to family time this weekend as I’m sure you are too. 

Take care and look forward to seeing all of our students next week. 


Warm Regards


WPPS Notice 22nd October 2021

Please scroll through to see all of our latest notices!



With the return of students on site, it would be greatly appreciated if all families could supply a box of tissues for each child, to be given to their classroom teacher.  Thank you in advance!


Visit our Website for the latest on COVID19 directives.  


Click on the link COVID19 GUIDELINES  for the latest up to date information.

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Thank you to the families that have donated so generously to our Shop.  The shelves are brimming.  Please hold off donating any more clothing at this stage.

No Hat No Play

Please be aware that all students are required to have on a hat for outside play. Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School it's important to have sun protection from now till May.

Community Notices 22nd October 2021

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