WPPS Newsletter 4th March


Principal's Report 4th March 2022

Hello Everyone!

Thank you once again to Steve Lew and Duncan and Aisha Gray who have been on a mission with our chook pen. We now have a roost, and nesting boxes! The ladies will think they’ve arrived in Chickenham Palace once they’re in!

Speaking of which, if you happen to have an old wooden ladder lying around the place you no longer want, can you please drop it into the office - we need something to allow the ladies to reach the roost so they remain safe and dry.

Division Swimming

On Wednesday 16th February, we had our District swimming trials where students from years 4 - 6 were selected to go to Division Swimming which occurred this week on Monday 28th February at Aquanation in Ringwood. 21 students participated. Although not all of them made it to Regionals, everyone had an opportunity to compete against those of a similar ability, extend their skills and have a great time. Thank you to our PE Specialist Teacher, Mr Lindsay, for organising these events and all the parents who took time out of their day to transport students to and from the venue. The students who attended included:

James C

Autumn C

Abby F

Damon T

Alison W

Lachlan C

Jonathan T

Hayley WH

Gretel B

Holly C

Sophie F

Patrick P

Mae P

Patrick T

Tillie V

Charlotte A

Tiana B

Tom B

Oliver S

Cleo T

Scarlett S





NAPLAN (National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy) is the national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit in May each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students do. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ progress. NAPLAN has been transitioning to online delivery for several years and most schools will complete NAPLAN online this year. Only Year 3 students will continue to complete the writing test on paper. Wattle Park Primary School was one of the first schools to trial NAPLAN online and as a result understands the need to provide practice sessions to establish familiarity with devices before the testing period which occurs from Tuesday 10th May - Friday 20th May in Term 2. For more information regarding NAPLAN please go HERE.

Education Perfect

All students in Years 3 - 6 at Wattle Park Primary School have been invited to take part in the 2022 Education Perfect World Championships – Languages. This competition is held from Tuesday 8th March starting at 4pm and finishing at 4pm on Tuesday 15th March inclusive. Language Perfect is currently used in Mandarin and Asian Studies sessions in the classroom as set tasks.

Education Perfect (formerly known as Language Perfect) is an online self-directed learning tool for mastering one of the roadblocks to communication: vocabulary. It is a computer game that is focused around vocabulary acquisition. Students enjoy the competitive environment while being exposed to native‐speaker pronunciation.

To log into Education Perfect go to https://www.educationperfect.com/ or http://worldseries.educationperfect.com/, or download the Education Perfect app from the Apple iTunes Store/Google Play Store. Refer to the child’s username and password given in class over the past couple of weeks. If you have any questions regarding Education Perfect or if your child has lost their username and password, please contact your child’s teacher or our LOTE teacher Mrs Melinda Downes at melinda.downes@education.vic.gov.au

Parent Teacher Interviews

These will occur on Tuesday 22nd March and Wednesday 23rd March. Due to Covid rules the default position is delivery online. However, if you’d like to actually sit down with your child’s classroom teacher that can be arranged. Or you can do them on the phone. Up to you. Classroom teachers will be in contact with you about the options available in the next two weeks.


The Department of Education and training regularly put our Operational Guidelines to inform schools of what they can and cannot do to remain Covid safe. We are up to Operational Guidelines 30 which came out last Friday, 25th February 2022. In brief:

Face masks:

  • Yr 3 - 6 students must wear a face mask indoors even if vaccinated
  • Yr 3 - 6 students are not required to wear masks outside; however they are strongly recommended if physical distance cannot be maintained or when students are not undertaking physical exercise (for example; masks are strongly recommended when classes are held outside).
  • Yr F - 2 students are strongly recommended to wear facemasks when in class


  • Students (or their parents) must also report a positive result to their school, either through the COVID Test portal or by phone or written notification and remain in 7-day isolation

Parents Onsite:

  • Parents are not allowed into school buildings


One of the partners of one of our parents has called to say they can assist - marvellous! The offer still stands though so if you know of anyone who’d like to get their hands dirty on a regular basis - please let them know we are still looking for people. Working With Children’s Check and Triple vaccination required.

Shade Sail

I have actually spoken to the man creating this week and he assures me, once again, it will be here next week.

Stay safe and well.

Steve Donohue







Diary 4th March 2022

Please put these dates in your calendar!
8th - 15thYrs 3-6 Education Perfect Language Championships
Monday, 14thPublic holiday - Labour Day
Thursday, 17thSchool Photos 
Tuesday, 22ndParent Teacher Meetings 3.50pm - 7.30pm
Wednesday, 23rdParent Teacher Meetings 3.50pm - 5.00pm
 Yr 6 National Young Leaders
Monday, 28thYr 1 Excursion - Ricketts Point
Monday, 4thNo SAKGP (Kitchen or garden) this week
Friday, 8thFree dress day
 Yr 3-6, Easter Egg Run
 Last day of Term 1   2.30pm Finish
Term 2 
26th, AprilStarts
13th, JuneQueen's birthday holiday
24th, JuneLast day of Term 2     2.30pm Finish
Term 3 
11th, JulyStarts
16th, SeptemberLast Day of Term 3     2.30pm Finish
Term 4 
3rd, OctoberStarts
1st, NovemberMelbourne Cup
20th, DecemberLast Day of Term 4     1.30pm Finish

WPPS Notices 4th March 2022

Please scroll through to see all of our latest notices!

1. Year 4 families - Contact Details
2. School Photo - Thursday, 17th March
3. Message from Canteen
Banksia Street Parking - Please avoid driveways!
5. Mask Requirement Years 3-6
6. Second Hand Uniform shop
7. Volunteers Needed for First Aid Room
8. New Hats and Bags for sale from the office

Year 4 Student Contact Details

Year 4 families will receive next week an email in regards to updating student contact information.  Please look carefully over this email and make any necessary changes and return the forms to the office as soon as possible.

It is important the office has the latest up to date contact information.

2.School Photo Day - Thursday, 17th

Sibling Order Envelopes are available at the Office.

3. Message from Canteen

    1). Canteen is always looking for volunteers to help.....12pm - 1.30pm on Friday.  Please register via            https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/827030846186224028/false?popup=true#/invitation

   2). Please also ensure that you've updated your child's correct class for 2022 in Flexischools to avoid your child's lunch being delivered to the wrong classroom.

4. Car Parking, Banksia Street

Parents, out of courtesy to our neighbours please do not park across their driveways in Banksia Street, when dropping off or picking up your children. Whitehorse Traffic Officers will be patrolling during these times.

5. Year 3 - 6 students are required to wear masks at school.

6. Second Hand Uniform Shop - Gymnasium 
     8.30am - 9am
  • Monday, 21st April
  • Monday, 4th April
Please socially distance, wear your mask and QR code in.

7. Volunteers needed for First Aid Room

We operate a first aid room at Wattle Park Primary school. In order to keep our First Aid Room clean and tidy, we require parent volunteers to assist us each Friday. We'd love 40 families to help - so you only have to help once a year!

For only around 15 minutes we appreciate you checking the area, changing the sheets, and returned washed sheets the following Monday. 

How to assist

  • Click on the link below, choose the date you can assist, and sign up.
  • You will not require an account or to keep a password. 
  • If you would prefer not to use your email address, please email the school and your details can be entered manually to include you on the roster. 
  • To assist with tidying the First Aid room please sign up here: 


8. New hats for sale from the office


Please see our office staff to purchase hats and bags.

Hats are $15.00

New bags can also be purchased from the office for $55.00


Community Notices 4th March 2022

Support our local business!!!