WPPS Newsletter 10th December


WPPS Notices 10th December 2021

Please scroll through to see all of our latest notices!

  • Please be aware Year 3 - 6 students are required to wear masks at school.

  • Second Hand Uniform Shop - Gymnasium

Monday, 13th December 3.30-4pm

Thank you to the families that have donated so generously to our Shop. 

  • Exit form 

Diary 10th December 2021

Please put these dates in your calendar!

13th, 14th, 15thSwimming Program PLC 9am - 12.40pm
Monday, 13th  Class Parties (Foundation to Year 5)
Monday, 13thYear 6 Graduation Ceremony
Thursday, 16th  Last day of Term 4. 1.30 Finish
Free dress day

No Hat No Play

Please be aware that all students are required to have on a hat for outside play. Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School it's important to have sun protection from now till May.

Community Notices 10th December 2021

Support our local business!!!