WPPS Newsletter 15 October


Principal's Report 15th October 2021

Dear Parent and Carers, 

As we complete the end of the second week of Term 4, I’m sure that excitement is building in anticipation of the return to onsite schooling. Especially for our Foundation students who commence on Monday for three days and then our Year 1 & 2 students on Thursday for 2 days. 

I have shared details of the return to school in last week’s newsletters. Please go to our school website which has a new tab ‘COVID-19 Guidelines’. The first link is regarding staggered school returns which has a comprehensive information on all of the return to school measures as directed by the Department of Education. 

Please be aware that all students from Year 3 to Year 6 will be required to wear a mask at school when inside the buildings. Students in Foundation to Year 2 inclusive are encouraged to wear them too. Please ensure to name non-disposable mask so that we can return them to the rightful owner.   

Our teachers and other staff are incredibly excited about reconnecting with our students in a ‘face to face’ environment. We understand that some of our students may experience difficulties or challenges returning to school and encourage you to liaise with your child’s teacher or school leadership if you have any concerns or information to share.  

Information regarding the entry of students on to the school site will be communicated directly to parents via a Compass message. At this stage no parents will be permitted onsite with their children. Class teachers will collect students from designated meeting points and return them at the same point at the end of the day. 

In last week’s newsletter information was provided giving you the opportunity to submit educational reasons in writing as to the class placement process for your child in 2022. Please be reminded that the closing date for these letters is Monday 1st November. 

Just a brief update on our school facilities: 

  • The school was successful in receiving a VSBA Minor Works Capital Grant to renovate our chicken area. A quantity surveyor will visit the school soon to ascertain the scope of works required and the funding available up to $50,000 
  • Shading: We are in the process of submitting an application for additional shading in the school-grounds at the end of the Year 3 and 4 building nearest the garden area. We will keep the community updated on progress in this area. 
  • No news on our building to replace the two portable buildings used for Language Other Than English or the old ‘Out of Hours care’ building.  

Just can’t bear to read the daily number of COVID-19 cases in Victoria at the moment. So disappointing. You may like to view this clip from the office staff, Steve and me to lift your spirits which is attached on our newsletter/ notices tab called "Surprise!”. 


See you all very soon! 

Warm Regards  



WPPS Notice 15th October 2021

Please scroll through to see all of our latest notices!

School Web Site

There is information on the website in regards to the return to school schedule beginning next week for Foundation Monday to Wednesday and Year 1 Thursday and Friday.  Please visit the website to answer any questions you may have at www.wattleparkps.vic.edu.au Please note  there is a new tab called COVID19 GUIDELINES. 

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Thank you to the many families that have donated to the Second Hand Uniform Shop.  At this stage we are unable to take any more donations.  Once the shop is up and operational, supplies will be needed again.  Please do not send any more uniforms to school. 

Exit form 

No Hat No Play

Please be aware that all students are required to have on a hat for outside play. Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School it's important to have sun protection from now till May.

Community Notice 15th October 2021

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