Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s been a busy but different week at school with the Year 3 and Year 5 students participating in on-line NAPLAN assessments.
This year the on-line process has been smoother than in 2019 although there have been slight but resolvable issues. A huge thank you to Assistant Principal Mr Steve Donohue, Mr Richard Abell and Ms Amy Easterbrook who have managed the implementation of the assessments at the coal face.
By all accounts, NAPLAN is proposed to be on-line for all schools in 2022.
Next Thursday the school is involved in the School Review process, hence leadership staff and classroom teachers’ programs will be interrupted to accommodate the requirements of the review. Our School Council President, Mr Angus Mackinnon is required to be part of the process also. The school is so fortunate to have supportive and committed School Council members who are active contributors to our school. That is certainly not the case in all schools.
Mr James Feather, one of our Year 6 classroom teachers is a participant in the Primary Mathematics and Science Specialists Initiative. It is by invitation only to be part of this program and Wattle Park Primary School was chosen because of its passion and focus to improving students’ mathematics learning. Unfortunately this means that Mr Feather is out of the classroom for 0.5 of his week at school. However the aim of the initiative is to improve all teachers’ mathematics teaching with Mr Feather being the mentor with specialist knowledge and skills.
Conversations around mathematics teaching and learning have certainly ensued along with a mathematics’ activity for staff each week at staff meetings. On Tuesday afternoon’s I take a Maths Olympiad class for Year 5 & 6 students and two Year 4 students. I am staggered at their ability to problem solve what at first seem simple problems but are actually quite challenging. I have included some problems we attempted and solved this week.
Our Foundation teachers; Ms Emma Tan and Mrs Robyn Heeps are off to visit Kindergartens on Monday. Enrolments are steadily coming in for 2022. Ms Tan and Mrs Heeps are such impressive early years’ educators, in my many years in the educations system I have not encountered better teachers. The patience and encouragement they show towards their students as they learn is extraordinary.
The school is celebrating Education Week by having our traditional Open Day on Saturday 29th May from 9:00-11:00a.m. Open Day was traditionally set aside as a day that prospective families to the school can view the site and meet the teachers. However it is also a day for current families to pop by and see their child’s classroom and chat with their teacher informally. A Devonshire Tea is served in the staffroom by community members as a special treat.
It’s interschool sports day for the Year 6 students against Our Lady of Good Council where students compete in T-ball, netball and AFL football. Hope the rain holds off!
Enjoy the weekend and don’t forget to have an attempt at the mathematics’ questions.
Warm Regards
2021 Parent Contributions now overdue. Final Parent Contributions were due on the 14th March 2021.
Wattle Park Primary School purchases, and has paid for, every student’s stationery requirements for 2021. 2021 Parent Contributions are reduced due to the school’s ability to buy in bulk and save GST costs, passing on the saving to our students.
At the moment nearly 25% of families have not paid their Parent Contributions and the school is now out of pocket. Family statements will be sent home early next week and your prompt attention would be greatly appreciated.
For a confidential discussion about accessing any of the above options these services, please contact Ms Gayle Cope, Principal, on 9808 2165 or
School Council understands that some families may experience financial difficulty and offer a range of support that may assist:
Payment Methods
MAY | |
Monday 17th | Second Hand Uniform 3.30 - 4.00pm (in the Gym) |
Tuesday 18th | Running Club 8.15am |
Thursday 20th | Running Club 8.15am |
Friday 21st | Yr 5/6 Interschool Sport |
Monday 24th | Education Week |
Tuesday 25th | Running Club 8.15am |
Tuesday 25th | Yr 3-6 Selected Students District Cross Country |
Tuesday 25th | Running Club 8.15am |
Thursday 27th | Running Club 8.15am |
Friday 28th | No Interschool Sport |
Saturday 29th | Open Day 9:00-11:00am |
JUNE | |
Tuesday 1st | Yr 1 Then and Now Incursion |
Tuesday 1st | Running Club 8.15am |
Thursday 3rd | Running Club 8.15am |
Friday 4th | Yr 5/6 Interschool Sport |
Monday 7th | Second Hand Uniform 3.30 - 4.00pm (in the Gym) |
Tuesday 8th | Running Club 8.15am |
Thursday 10th | Running Club 8.15am |
Friday 11th | Yr 5/6 Interschool Sport (on compus) |
Monday 14th | Queen's Birthday Public Holiday |
Tuesday 15th | Running Club 8.15am |
Thursday 17th | Running Club 8.15am |
Monday 21st | Foundation Fairy Tale Dress Up |
Tuesday 22nd | Running Club 8.15am |
Wednesday 23rd | Yr 5/6 Night of the Notables |
Thursday 24th | Running Club 8.15am |
Friday 25th | Last day of school, 2.30pm finish |