WPPS Newsletter 5th February


Principal's Report - 5th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

They say a lot can happen in a week and for us at Wattle Park Primary this week seems to be the week!

Unfortunately due to the pandemic last year student enrolments across many Melbourne state government schools have decreased dramatically. Families have either made decisions to move interstate; Queensland is popular or to regional areas. Independent schools are offering scholarships to state government students to stem the flow of exodus from their schools.

At Wattle Park:  5 students have moved out of the local Burwood area, 5 students returned overseas, 7 students to independent schools and 3 students to Geelong. So a loss of 20 students not only reduced one of our Year 1 classes to 12 students but also impacted significantly on the staffing budget provided by the State Government which uses a formula based on enrolment numbers. Fortunately we have been able to maintain all of our current staff however changes have had to be made.

Mr Dege’s Year 1 students have now been allocated to Ms Duong’s and Mrs Skantzos’ class. Class sizes are 23 students rather than their original 17.

Mr Dege is now a Year 6 teacher with Mr Feather and Ms Statkus. Dr Jenkinson has been allocated to the tutor program for the next 26 weeks for selected students.

Mr James Feather has been chosen as the successful applicant for training in the Mathematics Specialist Teacher Program for the next two years. This is a select entry program and schools are invited in if they are considered to be a high performing school in mathematics. Mr Feather will still be a Year 6 teacher for 0.5 of the time. Congratulations James!

It’s certainly lots of modifications for students and staff to adapt to, yet after last years’ experience Victorian’s with a positive mindset are more resilient and adaptable. We are keeping a close eye on students’ welfare and supporting them when needed. However sometimes children appear to be coping well at school throughout the day but their anxieties manifest when they are going to bed. So open communication with your child’s teacher is most important.

This weekend on Saturday and quite possibly Sunday a swimming pool is to be installed in a neighbouring property in Banksia Street that backs on to the school. If you visit the school grounds on the weekend please ensure that you stay well away from the fence line and heavy machinery for your safety. However viewing from the grass oval I’m sure would be a vantage spot!

Of a morning as staff enter the school grounds, especially after a weekend, we have noticed numerous ‘doggy piles’ on paths and school grounds. It’s actually quite astonishing that people would walk their dogs through a school and not pick up their excrement.

I don’t view the security camera footage often but if this disrespectful behaviour continues I will contact the bylaws officer of Whitehorse City Council to administer fines. School families I know for certain are not involved. So thank you!

Our Parent and Friend’s Association are beginning their activities this year with a Bunnings Barbecue organised for Sunday 14th February. They would appreciate volunteers to assist them for 3 different 3-hour shifts. Please contact them at pfawattleparkps@gmail.com if you can assist or complete the form available on the Konnective message.

What a morning! Torrential rain at drop off time and I’m sure there is more forecast for today and on the weekend. Melbourne is certainly in tropical weather mode and the gardens at Wattle Park Primary just look magnificent as a result!

A reminder that we have commenced assemblies on Monday afternoons. However as we are presenting Leadership badges to the Year 6 students on Monday 8th February, only those parents associated with Year 6 students are permitted to attend. Parents are reminded that masks must be worn inside the gymnasium and all school buildings. Monday’s assembly will commence earlier at 2:50p.m.

Warm Regards


Wattle Park Notices 5/2/2021

Please see the latest Notices!

Second Hand Uniform

The second hand uniform shop, located in the gymnasium, will be open on Monday, 8th February from 3.30pm till 4pm.  Thank you to the many families who have donated clothing to the shop.


Parent Contributions 2021 Reminder

Parents/Carers, please be aware that the first instalment of school contributions is due for payment on 15th February.  The second instalment is due 14th March.


Full payments are due no later than 21st February 2021.


Please visit the office if you require another copy of the payment document.


Book Club

This week your child/ren would have received the first Scholastic Book Club brochure for 2021.  Please be aware that we will be continue with on line ordering only.  Please do not send cash to the office.    Delivery of orders will be to the school and distributed to your child via the classroom.


Classroom Helpers/Volunteers

Thank you to the many volunteers who give of their time in the classroom/kitchen/garden etc.  Every year the Safe Code of Conduct form must be filled in with your Working With Children’s Certificate (WWCC) number entered on to this form.  Please return the form to the office. Applications for the WWCC is on line first and then the Post Office.


The Safe Code of Conduct forms can be collected from the office, or print out from below.


Remember your hat every day!

It’s that time of year, when all students are required to have on a hat for outside play.  Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School it's important to have sun protection from now until May.


Community Notice 5/2/2021

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