WPPS Newsletter 13th September


Principal's Report 13th September 2024

Hello Everyone,

It's easy to forget how far things have evolved until an inquiry or two jolts you back to the realisation that yes, golly, we have moved forward.

I have had several parents with students enrolled in other schools contact me in the last few weeks regarding our Explicit and Direct Instruction (EDI) of teaching spelling/phonics and reading. You may remember I addressed this in June explaining how WPPS has adopted this approach since late last year in response to our NAPLAN reading not being as far ahead as our mathematics results are compared to similar schools.

The following  ‘Explicit Direct Instruction’ article is a repeat of what was published in our newsletter on the 21st of June this year.

Explicit Direct Instruction at Wattle Park Primary School - 2024.06.21 

As many of you may have seen in the news this week, the Victorian Government has mandated the inclusion of explicitly instructed phonics. It comes as no surprise to WPPS that students need to be taught phonics directly and explicitly. 

How else do you know what phonics are?!

WPPS has two Literacy Leaders: Ms Sam Kwong and Ms Anna Saaksjarvi. So you are fully aware of how WPPS approaches literacy, I thought it would be best you hear from them on this subject.

Here we have further information from Ms. Saaksjarvi:

The decision by the Victorian Government to mandate the inclusion of explicitly instructed phonics is 2025 is noted HERE. This decision is based upon the Science of Reading supported by the Australian Education Research Organisation. The conclusion of this research noted:

‘The 5 specific reading sub-skills of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension should be taught explicitly and systematically so all children become capable readers.’

Wattle Park PS recognised the need for explicit, direct instruction (EDI) several years ago and as a result have been gradually embedding this across our spelling and writing program. You may recognise this as ‘old school’ instruction of how to write and how to spell.

At Wattle Park Primary we are committed to evidence-based instruction and have implementing the following certified explicit instruction based programs:

Foundation to  Year 2                Sounds-Write program 
A globally recognised as the gold standard for not only phonics, but also over all literacy development. It is also the chosen program by many speech pathologists world-wide. The following links outline the program and show you examples of lessons:



If you would like learn more and assist your child:


Year 3 to  6                                Spelling Mastery Program
This is also a certified explicit direct instruction model that is evidence-based and follows the understandings of the Science of Reading. The following links outline the program and show you examples of lessons:



Wattle Park Primary School is committed to following the latest evidence-based and scientifically backed approaches to learning. We look forward to taking you all on our journey with us! 

Anna Saaksjarvi & Sam Kwong

Victorian State School Spectacular tomorrow!
Saturday 14th September @  1:00pm and 6:30pm at John Cain Arena, Melbourne Park.

Adult: $40 Concession: $30 Child (U15): $2O

Tickets from Ticketek: www.ticketek.com.au/spectacular or 132 849.

Best seats to view WPPS students? Section 9, 10, 31, 32, 33, 56, 57, 58


Student Voice
Students of the week
Well done to all our recipients for actively displaying our school values. Students who are not in attendance to receive their certificate will be awarded at next week's assembly.

Week 9 
FAMuhammad AFBVyom P
1AAiden W1BLiam N
2ASami S2BJosh C
3AAvery C3BTyler M
4AAnnabelle C4BTeshana P
5AMariam A5BDotty M
6AZoe W6BOwen F

Mathletics Champion
Around of applause for: 

          Sherry H - 4B

who has excelled in Mathletics this week through consistent participation and impressive performance. Well done Sherry!

House Points
The House Points have been collected for this week.  The winning house decorates the trophy with their colours and has it displayed in the foyer of the school. 

WPPS Shines at Box Hill District Athletics Day
From our PE teacher Mr Stephen Roberts:

On 10th of September, WPPS proudly participated in the Box Hill District Athletics Day, competing against local schools in a range of track and field events. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all the staff and parents who generously volunteered their time to support the event, your help made our participation possible. I also want to extend a huge congratulations to all our students for their outstanding efforts and exemplary sportsmanship throughout the day. The encouragement and support they showed one another was truly inspiring and made me incredibly proud. Finally, a special congratulations to those who qualified for the Division Athletics Day. We wish them the best as they take on new challenges and represent our school at the next level!










Year 3 Healesville Sanctuary Excursion
Year 3 students have been learning about animals, exploring their features, habitats, life cycles, and diets. They've also explored how to classify things as living, once living, or non-living and used branching keys to categorise animals based on their observable features.

To enhance their learning, students recently visited the Healesville Sanctuary, where they had the opportunity to observe a variety of animals up close and see these features firsthand!

Grace: I really liked the Birds of Prey show - I loved Wedge Tail Eagle because it swooped right over my head! When we were looking at the Bilbies, I saw one with a joey. It was adorable. 

Charlotte: I really liked seeing the Tasmanian Devil up close and the kookaburra. 

Ryder: I learned that Emu digest rocks to break up the food. I would love to go to Healesville Sanctuary again!

Dorsa: It was fun and a factual day. I got to learn a lot about different animals. 







Deakin Uni at Wattle Park Primary School Counselling Opportunity
Wattle Park Primary School recently partnered with Deakin University’s Counselling Unit to offer student counsellors the opportunity to work with students from Wattle Park Primary School. 

The purpose of this engagement is to provide short-term counselling to support students in achieving physical, social, emotional, academic, and psychological wellbeing.

Prior to undertaking placement, students have completed core subjects required to equip them with sufficient counselling skills and the ability to apply these to a range of clients as required.

Counselling support is only effective when those taking part are willing participants. 

If you wish for your child/ren to participate in the Deakin University Counselling Opportunity, please email the school office at wattle.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au.

WPPS will select which students participate in the program based upon the parameters of the counselling provided and the needs of the specific child. As you will understand, medical privacy is of the utmost importance and as such the basis upon which students are chosen will only be discussed with relevant parties.

Saturday, 21st - September Working Bee!
We have a Working Bee Scheduled for the first day of the holidays. This will run form 9.30 - 12 noon with a focus on cleaning up and mulching the area outside Team Kids. So sharpen your long handled secateurs and get your wheelbarrow legs ready!

Friday, 20th September - Last Day - Free Dress- No Gold Coin     
      8.15 - 10am Free coffee Cart supplied by Teamkids

      8.30 - 9.15am Uniform shop

      9.15am Assembly

      11.40 -12.30am  Lunch

      11.40 -12.00am Yr 6 School Cap initiative Icy Pole Sales outside office                     door.

      2.00 - 2.15am Snack

      2.15am Class

      2.30am Finish 

Ground works
Our new footpath works continue and, weather dependent, concrete will be poured Monday and Tuesday next week. Then we wait a week till we walk on it. Not unlike the Chinese Theatre walk of fame in Hollywood, I have asked the School Captains if they would like to have their leadership status immortalised in it with hand prints.

2024 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
PLEASE TELL US WHAT YOU THINK - extended till Friday 20th September

Our school is conducting the annual Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey offered by the Department of Education and is seeking your feedback. The survey is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional, but we encourage and appreciate your participation.

Our school will use the survey results to assist in identifying areas for improvement and professional development needs in the school, to target school planning and improvement strategies. 

The survey will take 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.

The survey is available in English and 10 other languages including Arabic, Greek, Hakha Chin, Hindi, Japanese, Punjabi, Simplified Chinese, Somali, Turkish, and Vietnamese. Resources are also available in additional languages to assist parents / caregivers / guardians who speak a language other than English at home. Please reach out to your child’s teacher, or the school directly for survey guides in your language. 

A link and PIN were sent to all parents several weeks ago.. If you did not receive yours, please contact the school office on 9808 2165.

Thank you in anticipation for your much appreciated contribution.

Have a great weekend.

Steve Donohue


Wattle Park Primary School

PFA News - 13th September 2024

Ray White Burwood Wattle Park Golf Classic 2024

Change in date for Cheer Toastie Truck and Cookies

The Cheer Toastie Truck and Cookie day will take place on Wednesday 27 November.

Due to the change of date  if you have already made an order, there is no need to do anything as orders will be rolled over to the new date.  

If you have not yet ordered, families are encouraged to place their orders online at Humanitix here: https://events.humanitix.com/cheer-cheese-toastie-truck

Thank you for understanding - we are looking forward to the event!

TeamKids News - 13th September 2024

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