Hello Everyone,
As we head into a long weekend, please be careful on the roads. With a lot of people heading to a plethora of different destinations at speeds indicating a large degree of enthusiasm, please drive cautiously.
Speaking of time away, l will be taking Long Service leave for the first week and a half of term 3. Mr Abell will be steering the ship and no doubt will do a stellar job.
Our Students
Students of the week
Well done to all our recipients for actively displaying our school values. Students who are not in attendance to receive their certificate will be awarded at next week's assembly.
Week 8 | |||
Class | Student | ||
FA | Leo M | FB | Harvey KR |
1A | Muhammad I | 1B | Aiden W |
2A | Johnny Z | 2B | Nanjee Y |
3A | Ollie R | 3B | Jake |
4A | Heidi B | 4B | Lily AW |
5A | Justin B | 5B | Etta M |
6A | Zara R | 6B | Junyi Z |
Mathletics Champion
Congratulations to:
Mia Yang 6A
who won this week for her excellent performance and regular participation in Mathletics this week.
House Points
The House Points have been collected for this week. The winning house decorates the trophy with their colours and has it displayed in the foyer of the school.
Yr 3 & 4 Arrabri Camp
Our Year 2 and 4 students attended their annual school camp on Monday 27.5 and Tues 28.5 last week. At this camp the students participate in a range of activities including:
This camp is part of our whole school camp experience program which begins in Year 2 with the ‘Big Day Out’, an extended school day for Year 2 students and culminates with the Year 5/6 Adventure Camp which occurs over 3 days and two nights.
Here’s what some of our students thought:
I loved the Low Ropes Course because you got to practise how to balance. It was challenging but I was confident because I had my friends acting as supports.
Ollie R 3A
I really liked ‘The Giant Swing’. It was an unforgettable memory! It was scary at first, but then I got used to it like it was a normal swing. The view was also amazing!
Emma R 3A
Archery was very hard but my group encouraged me and it was an amazing experience. I got very close to getting the bullseye.
Alex - 3B
I enjoyed my time on Puffing Billy. I was with my friends and enjoyed the beautiful view. We saw lots of trees and a bridge.
Ida 3B
We enjoyed the Giant Swing because it was really scary when you are at the top and they say “Brace!” but when you swing down it was fun. Fast.
Akshay & Ollie K 4A
I liked hanging out with my cabin group at the activities but I also enjoyed how we got to have free time with our friends too. We could play in the games room or do mini golf.
Emily 4A
Bush dancing was very fun. It was taken by someone called Woody. We liked his original songs because he explained the meaning behind them. We learnt all the dances, one where we were sheeps and cows and we broke the record for making the fastest circle.
Matilda, Heidi, Viv 4A
The views at camp were really beautiful. We got to see the mountains and say hello to the sheep there. The games room was very busy but fun and enjoyable. I will remember this camp for a long time.
Talya 4B
Every time we ate it was always something different. It made me try some new foods like chocolate crackles, muffins, and chocolate pudding. The food was all very excellent, I’d give it a 9/10.
Byron 4B
We are delighted to inform you that we will be participating in the world-renowned ICAS competition this year across Years 4 – 6.
What is ICAS?
ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) is an online academic competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies.
Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition and development. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Top performers will be eligible for medals.
We encourage you to consider entering your child (Year 4-6 only) into ICAS this year.
How to participate in ICAS
If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:
Please note that the ICAS tests shown for selection are at the school’s discretion.
After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email. Please keep this for your records.
ICAS Results and Certificates
We will notify you of the date(s) that we run ICAS at the school and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. You will have until Monday 29th July to make an order, and your child will be sitting the test/s in August. Once we have received your child’s ICAS certificate, we will send it home with your child. The back of the certificate shows ICAS results and the login details, ‘TAP ID and Pin’, that you and your child need to enter on the Results Portal.
Our Staff
Continuing getting to know our staff at WPPS, we get to know Mr Monea who is teaching 3A with Ms Antonino on Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this year.
A warm welcome to WPPS Community,
My name is Dominic Monea and I currently teach 3A. The students call me Mr M, a moniker that has stuck since I first became a teacher in 2009. My wife and I have two sons, Harvey, and Caleb. I enjoy quality family time, watching sports and barbecuing.
I am in my fifth year at WPPS, having taught at various schools in Melbourne and overseas. The roles I have had at Wattle Park include; SRC, Numeracy Coordinator, Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Coordinator and now, Team Leader of the Year 3’s and 4’s. Within my classroom, I endeavour to create a warm, stimulating and engaging environment and I encourage my students to be risk takers and forward thinkers.
I look forward to working with my current 3A students, watching them develop and grow in all aspects. A recent highlight has been camp at Arrabri Lodge!
Wattle Park Primary School presents....
WPPS Kids Disco!
Get ready for a night of dancing, singing and entertainment with the famous DJ Jessie J!
Tickets from HERE
Thursday 20 June 2024
SESSION 1 | Foundation to Year 2 - 5:00pm-5:45pm
SESSION 2 | Year 3 to Year 6 - 6:00pm-7:00pm
A message from our magnificent book club organiser Jill H who has done a mighty job with Bookclub and is now going to hand over the reigns:
Hello everyone,
Scholastic Book Club happens at the start of each term.
Firstly, you’ll need to stamp the catalogues with the deadline date. (approx. 1hr)
Once the orders are placed online, you will then process the orders on the deadline date.
You will receive an email from Scholastics Book Club letting you know your orders have been dispatched. When the orders have been delivered to the school, the office will email or contact you.
Finally, is the sorting of the orders, this in the fun part. (approx. 1 1/2hrs)
If you are interested in perhaps taking over this role, please contact the office to obtain my details;
Phone: 98082165 Email: wattle.park.ps@education.vic.gov.au
New Uniforms
The Uniform Shop for new uniforms is located off site.
Please click HERE for the location and price list for all our new uniforms.
Uniform orders can be delivered to the school office.
School Bags and School Beanies
Available from the school office
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Located in the school gymnasium
Cash only
Last Friday of every month - next opening time
Friday 28th June 8.30 - 9.15am
9.15am Fridays
Thank you to Ms Woodhouse and Ms Duong for incorporating the assistance of Team Kids and the Cameron Close residents to populate our feeding schedule so we do not have to appeal so desperately to our school families to attend to the ladies on the weekends.
Click here to visit the Volunteer SignUp page.
Click here to read more about what is required for Chicken Care
Volunteers course
If you’d like to volunteer in 2024, please obtain a Working with Children’s Check and complete our Volunteers course.
Have a great (long) weekend everyone!
Steve Donohue
Wattle Park Primary School
Have you enrolled your child/ren for Wattle Park Primary School 2026?
If not you best hurry!!
Our school is using an online system for new Foundation (Prep) enrolments to Victorian government schools, called VicStudents.
To get started:
Is VicStudents secure?
VicStudents has been assessed by the Department of Education to a high degree of security in line with the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards and is compliant with ISO 27001, the leading international standard for information security.
School Tour
We welcome you to book a school tour. These are held at 10am every Friday. Please call 98082165 or book online. Tours last approximately 1 hour and tours outside of these hours are by appointment.
Thursday 20 June 2024
Get ready for a night of dancing, singing and entertainment provided by DJ Jessie J!
There will be two sessions:
SESSION 1 - Foundation to Year 2 - 5:00-5:45pm
SESSION 2 - Year 3 to Year 6 - 6::00-7:00pm
Tickets $15 each
Tickets via Humanitix here : https://events.humanitix.com/wpps-kids-disco-2024
Parents can sign up to volunteer here : https://signup.com/go/rGjmWvd
Second Hand uniform shop will be in the school gymnasium on:
And then - last Friday of every month
If you are the holder of a Govt Concession Card or Health Care Card, you are eligible for Government assistance called CSEF, (Camps, Sports, Excursions Fund).
This payment of $150 is for any school activity including camps.
Please fill out the form HERE along with a copy of your concession card, and hand into the office.
This procedure should also be followed for eligible existing families, for 2024 payment.
If you have any enquiries, please contact the office on 9808 2165.
4. Volunteer Needed for the First Aid Room
Much appriciated if any one can help us clean the sheets in First Aid Room. Your help can make the First Aid room a more safer and cleaner enviroments.We have had no one since mid last term. Please sign up HERE.
5. Late Students
All late students MUST report to office before heading to class, to receive a late slip. Otherwise, your child will be reported as absent and parents will receive an sms notification that their child in an unexpl