WPPS Newsletter 6th October


Principal's Report 6th October 2023

Hello Everyone,

Unlike the meteorological inconsistency evident in the weather, WPPS has, by contrast, had a very smooth beginning to term 4. A reminder that hats must be worn in Term 4.

There are lots of events this term. Please check our School Calendar (downloadable to your phone) for upcoming events.

For more information regarding specific year levels activities this term, including Specialist times etc please check year level sites:

FoundationYear 1Year 2
Year 3Year 4 Year 5
Year 6Specialists 

Our Students

Assembly 9.15am on Friday 

Students of the Week and House Points
Due to this being the first week of the term there are no Student of the Week or House Points to announce.

However, there is an update on the overall House Competition.

All the points were calculated at the end of term three and the winning house was Blue Gum.

Each term the winning house is awarded four points, with the second place house being awarded three points and so on.

Currently, Acacia are leading the overall competition with nine points, Lomandra in second place with eight points, Blue Gum in third place with seven points and Waratah in fourth place with six points.

A reminder of different ways you can help your house team collect points.

  • 3 house points
    • Student of the Week Award
    • Mathletics awards
    • Academic excellence
    • Representing WPPS at district swimming, completing PRC
    • Demonstrating our WPPS School Values
  • 2 house points
    • Academic achievement
    • Participation in extra-curricular school-based events (such as, Running Club)
    • Nude food
  • 1 house point
    • Academic endeavour 
    • Participating in school based events, cross country, good behaviour

AFL Grand Final Show

A few talented Wattle Park students were fortunate to be selected to perform with Kiss at the AFL pre-game entertainment on the weekend in front of a capacity audience of 100,024 people.

There were several full day rehearsals over the holidays including signed confidentiality agreements for both mushroom Records and the ALF which meant very few of us knew this was going on until the day it happened! Well done Riley E, Zoe B, Lachlan R and Ida B!

Click on the link to view the entire performance



Thank you

Thank you to Dotty Mack’s Dad, Mackka, whom, with Dotty and Lisa’s assistance, smoothed out the divots left by the heavy machinery that removed ot old LOTE and After Care building and spread topsoil and grass seed - just in time to create a beautiful green site for our fete this November.

2023.011.18 WPPS Fete - WE NEED DONATIONS

Over the coming months we will be asking Wattle Park families for certain donations to help make the fete a success. We will try to spread out our requests to not overwhelm families but any donations we do receive will be greatly appreciated.

First up, we are looking for donations of:


  •     Homemade candles
  •     Jewellery (earrings, bracelets, necklaces)
  •     Fairy wings
  •     Floral wreaths (to wear)
  •     Christmas decorations
  •     Dolls Barbie / doll clothes & accessorieS
  •     Headbands
  •     Cards and Keyrings


  •     Patterned Fabrics
  •     Plain tote bags for library bags
  •     Stuffing
  •     Christmas wrapping paper & tape
  •     Plain magnets that we can stick things onto
  •     Plain clear gift bags
  •     Dowel stars & sticks (so we can do fairy wands)

Please drop any donations at the school office.

Any questions, please contact Rosie: info@rosacommunications.com.au, Kelly: kelly.baird@hotmail.com or email wppsfete@gmail.com

Follow and stay updated!

Facebook: @wppsfete

Instagram: @wppstwilightfete

Digital Reports
A reminder from our newsletter (2023.06.23)

Currently we issue reports at the end of Semester 1 (term 1 and 2)  and Semester 2 (term 3 and 4).

We also publish them on Compass as digital documents by 4pm on the day they go home.

As agreed upon at School Council on Tuesday this week, and as an environmentally responsible school, this Semester 1 report will be the last time we provide all students with a hard copy report.

In acknowledgement of the preference for a hard copy report, we will still provide paper reports to those parents/guardians who request them. All you will need to do is email your classroom teacher to let them know this is what you would like.

For further information regarding how to access your child/rens reports (from as far back as Semester 2017) please go HERE

Student reflections will continue to come home as a hard copy in an envelope.

Steve Donohue


Wattle Park Primary School

Twilight Fete Update - 6th October 2023

WPPS Notices 6th October 2023

Please scroll through to see all of our latest notices!
1. Remember September to May - No Hat No Play
2. Late Students
3. Apply Now to Enrol Your Child in Foundation for 2024
4. Volunteer for First Aid Room
5. PSW New Deliver Option  
6. Volunteer for Second Hand Uniform Shop

1. Remember September to May - No Hat No Play

It’s that time of year - September, when all students are required to have on a hat for outside play.  Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School its important to have sun protection from now till May.
New hats are available from the office $15.

2. Late Students

All late students MUST report to office before heading to class, to receive a late slip.  Otherwise, your child will be reported as absent and parents will receive an sms notification that their child in an unexplained absence.

3. Apply now to enrol your child in Foundation for 2024
The Department of Education has released a new statewide timeline for enrolling in Foundation for the 2024 school year.

If you have a child starting primary school in 2024, it’s time to enrol. Even though the dead line for enrolling your child has passed, late enrolments will be accepted

If you are enrolling the sibling of a student at our school for Foundation in 2024, and both children will be attending our school at the same time, your child is prioritised for a place at our school as per the department’s Placement Policy.

For more information, please read about when and how to enrol your child in Foundation at vic.gov.au/enrolling-foundation-prep.

If you are seeking to enrol your child into Foundation next year, please contact our school office on 9808 2165  to request an enrolment form or visit our website https://www.wattleparkps.vic.edu.au/page/80/Enrolment to download a Word Version – 2024 Enrolments.

4. First Aid Room Volunteer
In order to keep our First Aid Room clean and tidy, we require volunteers to assist with this task. We need approximately 40 families on our roster to ensure that every family only needs to do this once per year. It is not time consuming and requires approximately 15 minutes of your time on a FRIDAY.

5. PSW New Deliver Option
From 15th February, parents are able to order PSW school uniforms online and have the order delivered to the school office. Deliveries will be weekly for parent collection. This will save parents from actually having to go to the PSW shop if you  know what you want and sizes. 

Above is a screen shot of how the screen would look like. 

The parent needs to choose the “Click and Collect” Option, the drop down box will appear and they choose for their item to be delivered to Wattle Park Primary School.

6. Second Hand Uniform Shop Volunteer
Volunteers are desperately needed to help out our amazing Second Hand Uniform Shop Manager Kelly Baird.  If you can spare some time to help out, please contact the office on 9808 2165. 

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Community Notices - 6th October 2023

Support your local businesses.