Hello Everyone,
2023 Parent Contributions
Great news! All parent contributions can be paid by ‘CompassPay’. This system has been rolled out previously as a way to pay for excursions and has had very positive feedback from our school community.
Be on the lookout for an alert via ‘CompassPay’ which will indicate contributions are ready to be paid for 2023. We appreciate your efforts and thank you for your support.
If you have any trouble with this system on your mobile devise, please uninstall then reinstall your Compass app.
An investment in education is an investment in your child’s future.
Our Students
Year 4 Maths - 15 second challenges and Unifix
Our Year 4’s have been testing out their mathematical reasoning, completing activities with the learning objective of making reasonable estimations.
Firstly, both classes estimated how many times we could repeat the same move within 15 seconds, for example toe-taps, head-shoulders-knees and how many unifix we could stack. We then had a go at each challenge, counting our own moves, and judged if our estimation was close and reasonable. We used this information then to do two things; revise our estimates for a second attempt at the 15 second challenges, and then estimate how many of the same actions we could do in 30 seconds or 1 minute.
The unifix stacking was so transfixing that 4A students joined their stacks and found the entire tub stretched around the room and out into Farley Forum! This made us wonder, how far would it stretch in one long line? Would it make it all the way down to the Library? We moved the unifix outside and joined them in one long line. Starting from the bottom of the 3/4 steps it reached to the end of the top basketball court – 38.5m! We then wondered how many unifix blocks we’d used altogether, so tried estimating this too! Each student found their own method of making the estimation. Some attempted a calculation, dividing the total length of the line by the length of a single unifix. Xavier, who estimated the closest amount of unifix, counted the amount of blocks in roughly a quarter of the line, then multiplied this by 4. Curious how many unifix we had altogether? Try estimating!!
Assembly 9.15am Friday
17.2 Assembly - Blue Gum House Captains
Hello W.P.P.S,
We are the Blue Gum house captains for 2023 our names are Kavya, Charlie and Raynard. This year we have many goals we’d like to achieve that are school based, as well as the local community, such as getting House Points running, which we have already achieved. We would also like to host a House vs House trivia / spelling bee for the students who aren’t as sporty.
We are really excited to achieve more goals throughout the year that are fun and educational for students at Wattle Park Primary.
Students of the week
Well done to all our recipients for actively displaying our school values. Students who are not in attendance to receive their certificate will be awarded it at the next week's assembly.
Class Student
FA Emilia W | FB George L |
1A Ellie Aiau Y | 1B Josh C |
2A Dorsa V | 2B Alex B |
3A Sophie R | 3B Bella S |
4A Will P | 4B Ethan C |
5A Elly Y | 5B Megan L |
6A Farrah M | 6B Sophie W |
Crossing Safely
Whitehorse City Council made an appearance at our assembly this week to talk about using the crossing safely. They were also asking for anyone who would like to make some extra money to apply via their website. They are in need of Crossing Supervisors.
24.2 Assembly - next week
School Representative Council (SRC) badges awarded
FA George C Meiyi C | FB Claire W Luca K |
1A Abigail S Wilbur E | 1B Damian H Leo K |
2A Brayden X Angelie H | 2B Grace S Kasper R |
3A Sophie R Matilda C | 3B Emrys C Heidi B |
4A Max H Isabella B | 4B Violet C Amber S |
5A June W Flynn D | 5B Lili S Ammar A |
6A SRC Leaders Ana V | 6B SRC Leaders Emily S, Nelya S and Gustavo V |
SCARECROW badges awarded
FA Caroline C Meera D | FB George L Griva P |
1A Duncan B Oscar H | 1B Milla H Ted S |
2A Dorsa V Annicka K -R | 2B Jake R Cherish C |
3A Harry S Charlotte McG | 3B Tessa A Ethan L |
4A Lachie R Isla Breslin | 4B Betty B Dotty M |
5A Jasmine McA Zane R | 5B Liam G Alfie R |
6A Edwin Y | 6B Charne’ K Callum W |
Students of the week
Confirmed next week
Running Club
Following a successful 2022 program, Running Club returned Thursday 9th February and will continue till 6th April
Running club is open to students of all ages and abilities. The session, and groups, are tailored accordingly. Meeting point is Top Oval at 8am.
Students are required to check in at the top oval prior to participating or joining into the session.
Any students that arrive late are to wait at the top oval for collection.
Session Outline
This year students who participate will also earn 2 points for their school house per run..
Please be aware the students who participate in Running Club are considered in the care of the parents who are running the activity. Wattle Park Teachers do not begin duty till 8.50am
Looking forward to seeing you at what will be a fun and rewarding program.
Our Staff
As you will be aware from reading of our 2023 Staffing Profile last week, we were looking to employ a teacher to replace M.s Cynthia Tuck in Mr Feather’s class on a Monday as well as take over from Ms Nolan who has been doing a stellar job 3 days a week in PE till we found an appropriate person. And we have!
Meet Mr Stephen Roberts:
I’m Mr. Roberts, I’m starting at WPPS in a few different roles.
Mondays I will be in 6B.
Tuesday - Thursday I will be in PE.
Friday I will be helping out around multiple classrooms.
I love playing footy and am a die hard supporter of the Melbourne Demons. I am looking forward to becoming a part of your school community and am excited for the year ahead.
Thank you!
Thank you once again to Drew Noakes who exterminated our second wasps nest earlier this week the day after it was discovered. Whitehorse Council’s recommended exterminator was unable to make it for several days due to the volume of wasp nests in the area. We are very lucky to have parents who are capable of doing this for us at short notice.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit in May each year. The NAPLAN test window is 9 days. This is to accommodate schools that may have fewer devices. The NAPLAN test window starts on Wednesday 15 March and finishes on Monday 27 March 2023. It is the only national assessment all Australian students do. For more information please go HERE.
Flick Pest Control were in again on Wednesday this week to refill our anti rat stations and put even more anti vermin devices in, around and under our buildings. It is noted by the companies that deal with these tenacious little beasties there is a distinct increase in numbers all over the area. We will call them back if their activity increases further.
18.03.2023 Great Big Working Bee
Once a term the WPPS community gets together to work on our vast and beautiful grounds to create a calm and ordered environment to support our students’ learning, safety and well being. The next one will be on Saturday 18th March.
Click HERE to find out what we are going to do and how you can help.
Hope to see you there!
21.02.2023 onwards… Parent Teacher Interviews
These may be done online or in person. This can be negotiated between teacher and parent.
Tuesday 21st February
3.50 - 7.30 Parent Teacher Meetings
Wednesday 22 February
3.50 - 5.00 Parent Teacher Meeting
Bookings can be made via COMPASS
Canteen: Ordering
Our canteen operates on Mondays and Fridays for lunch only.
Due to the timetable change outlined above, orders must be placed by 5pm the day before the order is required. This means:
Monday orders by 5pm Sunday
Friday orders by 5pm Thursday
Orders placed after these times will cannot be processed.
This allows our Canteen Manager, Charlotte, enough time to get things organised.
To place an order, please download the free Flexischools App from the App Store or Google Play. Once you have downloaded the app you will be able to view and select your orders, and pay online.
Please be aware Flexischools does not automatically change the class of your child to their 2023 class. Please ensure you update this information when you next order.
Canteen: Volunteering
Do you have some time to spare? An hour and a half on a Friday would be great!
Our canteen would not be able to run without the wonderful support of the volunteer Parents and Grandparents in our school. We would love to have you volunteer for us, whether you are an experienced hand or an eager learner. Please see below to sign up.
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
Year level websites
As we move away from Remote Learning we have repurposed Year Level websites as digital notice boards and linked them to the school website in a more accessible manner. HERE is where you can find them. Lots of information about what is going on in each year level this term.
School Calendar
Please refer to the calendar on the School Calendar to find details about Term 1 dates, finish times and term holidays dates etc.
If you require RATs please make a request to the school office. HERE is information from the Victorian Government about ‘Managing illness in schools and ECEC - information for parents and carers’ . HERE is information regarding facemasks.
A summary below:
It is strongly recommended that students:
Where students become symptomatic at school they should:
Have a great weekend.
It is imperative the office has the latest up to date contact details for every child at school.
Year 3 Parents, please look out for an email which will be sent to you next week, asking you to look at the information we have on file, and to return the form with any changes required.
Please return the forms, even if there are no changes necessary.
Thank you for helping the office to have the very latest contact information. Crucial, in the case of any emergency.
3. Remember - No Hat No Play
It’s that time of year - September to May, when all students are required to have on a hat for outside play. Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School its important to have sun protection.
Hats are now available for purchase from office at a cost of $20 each.
4. First Aid Room Volunteer
In order to keep our First Aid Room clean and tidy, we require volunteers to assist with this task. We need approximately 40 families on our roster to ensure that every family only needs to do this once per year. It is not time consuming and requires approximately 15 minutes of your time on a FRIDAY.
5. School Photo - 16th March 2023
The school’s preference is online ordering.
The school code is Q32 WP2 PAR
If a family is unable to order online, they can complete their order by using prepaid order envelopes provided at the school office.
This also includes sibling order envelopes.
Ordering on line for sibling photos, closes the night before photo day.
If you have any questions, please contact Advanced Photography on 9852 1133.
Above is a screen shot of how the screen would look like.
The parent needs to choose the “Click and Collect” Option, the drop down box will appear and they choose for their item to be delivered to Wattle Park Primary School.
7. Parents Social Events
8. WPPS Movie Night
9. Chess Club
Anyone may do a free trial.
10. TeamKids - Newsletter