WPPS Newsletter 12th February


Principal's Report - 12th February 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

The purpose of last Monday’s assembly was to present the Year 6 students with their leadership badges.  It was such a delight to see the Year 6 parents in attendance to pin the badges on their children as well as having their photos taken together.

Mr Will Fowles, local member for Burwood was present also and spoke to the students about what it is to be a leader. Will was most impressed that all of the Year 6 students had the opportunity to be a leader and not just a special few. The Year 5 teachers try very hard to match the students with their particular passions and interests. Sought after roles have certainly changed over the years with ICT, Ambassadors, Performing Arts and Visual Arts being very popular.

All Year 6 students are responsible for setting the tone for the year and being positive mentors to younger students.  They have already had a number of sessions as buddies with the new Foundation students and are very caring and supportive. The Year 6/Foundation buddy program for some, last long after the students have left primary school.

I do appreciate all parents who followed the Education Department’s guidelines by wearing masks inside the gymnasium. Masks must be worn at all times when inside. This does not apply in the school playground, unless social distancing is not able to be practised.

It has been terrific moving around the school this week, seeing how positively our students have reconnected with their teachers and peers and how they have engaged with their learning. The tone in classrooms and the playground is very positive and our students are to be commended on their endeavours.

Lunchtime can be particularly long for some students, particularly on hot days. Please be aware that we do have a ‘hot day’ policy that stipulates when the temperature is excessive, usually 34.5C. The students retreat to their air conditioned classroom supervised by a teacher. We are particularly fortunate that the school grounds have many spectacular trees that provide large swathes of shade. Students who have attended other schools are very appreciative of the grass and trees at Wattle Park Primary, there are not many inner suburban schools blessed with space, large trees and natural grass.

Thank you to the Year 6 teachers; Mr Feather and Ms Statkus for organising the Year 5 and Year 6 Virtual Interrelate Parent Information session last week. The session was most informative and reassuring. Interrelate is an organisation supported by the government, education departments and health departments in providing relationship education in schools. Interrelate have been teaching sexuality and relationship education to young people and their parents for over 90 years and have a reputation for non-discriminatory and open teaching on sensitive issues.

Interrelate sessions for Year 5 and Year 6 students will commence on Friday 5th March.

Also Happy Chinese New Year- hope the Year of the Ox is way better than the Year of the Rat!

Enjoy the weekend everyone!


Warm Regards


Year 6 Incursion, 5th February 2021

WPPS Notices 12/2/2021

Please see the latest Notices!

Important Dates 2021


Curriculum Days          Wednesday 27th January

                                     Monday 19th April  

                                     Monday, 12th July

                                     Monday 1st November



Term Dates                  Term 1     28th January – 1st April

                                    Term 2     19th April – 25th June

                                    Term 3     12th July – 17th September

                                    Term 4     4th October – 17th December



Public Holidays           Labour Day      Monday 8th March

                                   Anzac Day        Sunday 25th April

                                   Queen’s Birthday Monday, 14th June

                                   Cup Day           Monday, 2nd November

Parent Contributions 2021 Reminder

Parents/Carers, please be aware that the first instalment of school contributions is due for payment on 15th February.  The second instalment is due 14th March.


Full payments are due no later than 21st February 2021.


Please visit the office if you require another copy of the payment document.

Late Students

Please be aware that all late students must report to the office BEFORE going to class, where their attendance will be marked accordingly.

Thank you.

Book Club

This week your child/ren would have received the first Scholastic Book Club brochure for 2021.  Please be aware that we will be continue with on line ordering only.  Please do not send cash to the office.    Delivery of orders will be to the school and distributed to your child via the classroom.

The Safe Code of Conduct forms can be collected from the office, or print out from below.

Easter Donations

School Photo on 19/03/2021

COVID - Current Guidelines 18.06.2021

Hello everyone the School Operations Guide states QR code check ins are required to be used by all parents who enter any school building. QR codes available at the entry of all buildings.
Camps and overnight stays
Incursions and excursions
Interschool sport 
School Tours as of term 3
Assembly - parents must wear masks (QR sign in)

Parents onsite
Mask must be worn indoors
Do not need to sign in if remain outside the school buildings
Must sign in at the office if entering any school building and observe density limits of one person per 4 square metres

Information that might assist you talking to your child about COVID-19 is available. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or contact the school if you have any concerns.

Young children with persistent mild symptoms

Younger children (pre-school up to Grade 2) may have prolonged post-viral symptoms such as a runny nose or cough and may return to school following a negative COVID-19 test even if they are not completely free of symptoms. They will need a medical certificate from their GP to confirm they are otherwise well or have recovered from their acute illness.

Any worsening of symptoms will require review and repeat COVID-19 testing, if considered appropriate by the doctor.

Students with a negative COVID-19 test whose symptoms have completely resolved do not need a medical certificate to return to the school.

For further information for schools and to distribute to families see: Managing illness in schools and early childhood services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you are concerned about your wellbeing or that of your child, please contact the school so we can talk with you about how we can best assist. Other sources of support include:

Parent Line 13 22 89

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

The Department’s COVID-19 helpline is also available on weekdays from 8.30am to 5pm on 1800 338 663.

If you know a family who speak a language or languages other than English and you know they would like further information, interpreting services are available by phoning 131 450 first. For families with a child with a disability, the Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) has additional information.

And, finally, a reminder that if you, your child, or a family member develops symptoms of COVID-19 you should get tested at a COVID-19 testing facility and stay home.

Each family should regularly check the list of public exposure sites in Victoria (where a person with COVID-19 has attended), and if anyone in the family has attended a site at the times listed, follow the instructions given.

Remember your hat every day!

It’s that time of year, when all students are required to have on a hat for outside play.  Children will be required to play in the shade if no hat is worn, and being a Sun Smart School it's important to have sun protection from now until May.


Community Notice 12th February 2021

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